random updates!
hah! i survived another much-higher-degree-of-hecticness week.
Right, I'm pretty sure that is not an official word. (hecticness?)
As my title suggests, this post will be just some random updates of the previous week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I must say all the tests we have weekly are so engraved into us that we simply do not bother how many tests we have any more. And i realised all the whiny complains about how many tests we are going to have next week or the week ahead is totally obsolete from our lives. Talking about growing up and having so little time within our grasp that all these little 'wastage" of time seems to much to risk. Even i have forgotten what tests i have sat for the whole of this weeeek. IT'S BECOMING A DAILY ROUTINE! This brings me back to 3 years ago when i was still a erm... gullible andd rather immature little maniac. We were complaining unremittingly over just, 1 TEST which is only 2 chapters that was a mere 15 pages or so, with large graphics. -.-
I should have just shut up and foresee what life will be 3 years down the road.
Well, we;ve survived a geog mockkkkkkkkk! yeaH! i remembered how our whole class felt so jittery and panicky about the test and just a few mins before it, everyone seemed deranged. haha
I just came back from the overseas education talk held in our drama studio. The usa education seems rather appealing. The speakers were cool too.they were from usa!but the qualifications for University in Usa is much higher than canada, australia. Im gonna work hard and get a damn schlorship! Studying overseas is so much quicker and recognised than Singapore. But acutally, our NUS is quite recognised :D But i would love to experience life overseas especially in a 4 seasoned country. The scenery and outdoor activities are much more enthralling and exciting than what we can find here. The environment is very conducive and the school building has victorian taste in it, which is just so rich in culture! And i would defnitely want to learn how to speak perfect english (: i was damn captivated by the two speakers from USA. Going overseas allow you to be almost a year or so ahead of local students and we have a niche above them if we were to go overseas. AND WE GET TO GO INTO THEIR UNIVERSITY JUST ONE YEAR AFTER STUDYING IN THEIR COUNTRY! Our sec 4 grade is equivilent to their last grade in high sch and after which , they proceed to UNIVERSITY! ITS DAMN FAST! :D and in usa, we can get to study a few courses for bachelor/associate degree when we haven't decide on what to major in. When we decide to major in something which is somehow related to our courses, we can get our master's degree. OH BTW, one has to spend 15 years in USA to graduate from medicne faculty O_O! THIS MEANS I WILL BE STILL STUDYING WHEN IM... 31 ahahaha! well, i shall throw that out of my mind. I wont wanna waste my 20-30 years of age, burying my face in books and out of my homeland. Im still rather inclined to study overseas. Perhaps i'll get a bachelor degree there(usa, canada,uk or aust though i dont raelly like the rumoured discrimination there) after my A levels (3-4 years) [ ): ): ):] then i'll come back to singapore to get my master's degree. whoosh i will be around 27 my goshness! I was still thinking if i have time for my phD! godnessss!
Sometimes i wonder what is the main objective behind, studying so hard and getting all these high degrees. So after i graduate from studying life, I'm gonna work and work and work till i die. hmmm....i think i would rather study and study and study till i die.
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