YELLO!!! Woah its like super long ever since i came into
I've been rather busy.. with school and band and more school and work. And of course, time with friends (: I would like to officiallly praise myself for being such a good and diligent student ever since school started after mid years. I did all my tutorials ( at least attempt despite leaving some blanks), tried listening to lecture,s, Read through my notes, and and yea.. ahha! and i only ponned one bio lect which was yesterday. I guess i have been pretty happy and :D other than some personal issues..
Oh damn it. I know i have lots of things to blog about, but im totally clueless at how to begin. Right. Shall just start with the most recent event. SHERYL'S BIRTHDAY! Happy birthday sheryl! Although its like on the first day of Ghost festival, but we still went out (: Sheryl, jazz, me squirrel, peiyi, vui went to orcahrd to shop. Vui needed to get her dress for tonight's Asean dinner at FULLERTON! fullerton!! She got a really sweet looking metallic blue dress. and a pair of white heels. I bought my long awaited kimono dresss! its grey!!! and with some flora design.. Simin (SQUIRREL) bought a sweet looking grey top, sheryl bought a strawberry tube dress! hahaha i love it (: yeah! long time since i've shopped. oh by the way, Simin aka squirrel resides on me! hha im her little tree!! (just some background knowledge)!
Ate at pepper lunch which made me sneeze like mad the whole night 0: HERE'S PICTURES! oh we attempted to tie pony tails (2) ahah! it will be very interesting if school made it compulsory for girls with long hair to tie 2 pony tails to school everyday.
Simin! (squirrel)
Sheryl birthday girl!
spas ttm!!!! Vui and jazz felt so embarasssed doing that in a shopping centre. But well, it seems normal to me! haha
!!! yeah! Before we headed to town, mr lim let us watched a really incredible film known as Stepford's wives. Its kinda disturbing and thuoght provoking. Really reflects mumch about the current society (: In any case, I would promote this film. Rather amazing. Its basically about how women become aggressive and successful career women but ended up in a broken marriages. Couples would go to this town known as stepford something where this lady with her husband (Which is actually a robot) will help to transform the women into perfect housewives who are subservient, sexy, pretty, gentle, smiling 24 hours machines. And the guys will be brainwashed by the husband of the lady to make their wives under go the trasnformation. So this main actress and her husband went there in hope of salvaging their marriage. The actress after much observation realised that the town was a little suspicious and the story goes on.. blah its very very interesting haha but some parts quite disturbing cause the wives were actually remote controlled after the lady of the town put in chips into the women brains. and erm the husbands could actually control the size of her erm..well.. chest. gross. And as a female, it kinda freaks me out at the thought that IM BEING REMOTE CONTROLLED!!!! > : ( If my husband did that to me, I WOULD CASTRATE HIM! but then again, its impossible in real life. So WOMEN.. phew..But i guess women really have to strike a balance between their bright career and family and love. I guess we all wan to be smart and independent women but we have to also be a good care taker of the family.. :D haha
Band has been fun too! As in time spent with band people. hah we havent had band pracc for some time. but just hanging aronud with band ppl and chatting and laughing with them makes me feel blissful and blessed and happy (: thanks people!
TO IGGY AND CHRIS : THERE YOU GO! i updated (: oh and chris, im no sure about the band blog but wont mind having it! haha we'll have to consult either the tae or exco. Welfare head only clean up band room! PRO PRO PRO!