First, of all, there are probably hundreds of people who wish they had this problem, but for those who feel like the skinny guy on the beach who will never fill out; it is a serious question. Body size has a lot to do with genetics. Both "Mark" and "Raj" should ask their fathers or uncles what they weighed at their ages. Chances are they were thin too, and could eat any amount of food without gaining weight. But, look at them now. Are they still slim or did middle age bring changes? Some people are thin due to heredity and may find difficulty in gaining weight. Unless there is a medical condition that is resulting in weight loss, the weight loss is recent and unexplained, or there is a risk of malnutrition - as is often the case with eating disorders, being underweight is far less of a health problem then being overweight. Weight gain is achieved when the calories consumed outnumber the calories spent. Gaining weight for appearance's sake, or gaining both muscle and fat weight, should consist of a high-calorie diet in combination with regular exercise. Your nutrient needs depend on your own particular rate of metabolism, which may be very high at your age. You not only need calories but also protein, vitamins and minerals. The best way to get these nutrients is to choose a balanced, varied diet from among the different food groups. "Mark," says he is "eating like a pig," but is it mostly pizza, burgers, fries and soda? Other nutrients are necessary for you body to metabolize and build new cells. You need 6-11 servings of cereals and grains, 2-3 servings of protein foods, 2-3 servings from the dairy group, 2-4 fruits, and 3-5 servings of vegetables. A varied selection from these groups should be the basis of your diet to which you then add fats, oils and sugars to add calories. Some other suggestions for gaining weight are to be sure to eat a good breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with nutritious snacks between meals. Try to eat in a relaxed atmosphere instead of on the run, as this improves the way your body uses nutrients. Avoid drinking too much liquid with your meal so you don't fill up too quickly. Make exercise a regular part of your healthy routine, but not to the extent that you skip meals and burn a high amount of calories. The body's metabolic rate is not normally modified unless there is an existing disorder that requires medical treatment. It is something that varies from one person to another and affected by many factors, such as age, sex, and amount of lean body mass (muscle). The following are some strategies that can help in increasing body weight:
Eat high-calorie foods. Avoid choosing low-fat, reduced-fat, or non-fat items. Choose a milk shake instead of nonfat milk, avocados instead of cucumbers. For health reasons, choose mostly vegetable fats (olive and vegetable oils, nuts) rather than animal fats (butter, cream).
Eat at least three healthy meals every day. Skipping meals robs the body of needed calories as well as leaving the individual more prone to snacking on unhealthy foods.
Eat more food at each meal. Choose bigger portions, add extra filling to sandwiches, and use bigger drinking glasses and bowls.
Eat snacks between meals. Carry healthy snacks (granola bars, crackers, and pretzels) to eat on the run.
Add sauces and gravies to food. Cheese sauces on cooked vegetables increase the calories and provide flavor.
Drink plenty of juices and milk throughout the day. This is a simple way to add calories without feeling full. Adding powered milk or instant breakfast powder to milk contributes extra calories.
Exercise to build muscle. Physical activity used in combination with a high-calorie diet keeps the extra calories from turning into body fat. The muscle formed ads weight in the parts of the body where the weight should be.
Although the above suggestions will usually lead to weight gain, it is always wise to check with a physician in order to discard any metabolic or other medical disorder that may be attributed to weight loss. Consulting a registered dietitian can provide better insight on the nature of the problem, and result in more accurate recommendations that are better suited for individual lifestyles and food preferences.
Everyone's focus should be on a healthy weight, one where you feel vital and energetic, not an ideal seen in magazines. With wholesome eating habits and other measures such as not smoking, drinking or using drugs, avoiding risky behaviors, getting enough sleep, stress management, moderate exercise and stretching, and working towards mental and emotional maturity, you will start on a lifetime of wellness, whether you are trying to loss or gain weight.
taken from me and jingwen will start jogging every morning in school.
its rather contrasting to have the both of us, as good friends, complaining together over our weight probs.
one too skinny, one too fat (when she's not exactly that fat as she thinks she is.)
if only we have some device or some sorta thing to even out our weight and meat.
did 4 rounds on wed. timing = 10.00 mins.
alan sucks.. i dislike him. in fact, all of us do.
hope i don't see him again..ever.
huiwei and jingmin came on sat! shu came back today! yeah and im spurred on to work hard for entry to HCJC
minus the part where i might be the minority over there with all the hci guys and nygh girls =\